Pegasus Academy of performing arts

Comments on: "Newsletter and Jan/Feb schedule for Winterguard 2012 updated" (1)

  1. Okay girls, bit of a weird practise today Juniors, very giggly … again! lol, but anyway another competition is going on tomorrow and so by the time we get to our next competition our points should go up soooooo high!! Fingers crossed! Juniors you’ve worked really hard and will hopefully push you a little higher up the Junior class. But cadets! you have been working extremly hard!! Me and Lucy are extremly happy with your progress and that you’ve proved to us that you want to get off that bottom spot, but don’t worry as long as you keep working like this me and Lucy will not give up and will do as much as we can to get you up there! All I can say now is just keep practising as much as you can at home and then hopefully in a couple of weeks we shall get the results we want!! 😀 Peace Out! x

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